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Thief 'couldn't be bothered' to queue in DIY shop

Published: 5 February 2010
Man walks out of Homebase store with two power tools because he didn't want to wait in line to pay.
Thief 'couldn't be bothered' to queue in DIY shop
Stephen Kearney stole two power tools from Homebase in Worcester because the queue was too long and he couldn't be bothered to wait in line to pay.

According to a report in the Worcester News, Mr Kearney, who has previous convictions for theft, entered the DIY store on December 20 with two large hessian carrier bags. CCTV footage then showed him putting two power tools in the bags before walking towards the till area.

However, the 31-year old then bypassed the tills and left the store without paying for the items. Mr Kearney was arrested ten days later after police checked footage from the store.

He told officers that he had gone to Homebase to buy Christmas decorations and had £500 cash on him to pay for them. Lisa Mayne, prosecuting at Worcester Magistrates Court said: "He saw the tools then concealed them in the two bags. He said there was a large queue and he couldn't be bothered to wait and pay for the items."

Mr Kearney pleaded guilty to the Homebase theft and was sentenced to a six-month community order with supervision.


Published prior to March 2014
By Tim in Bristol
Good to see the CPS decided to prosecute. We get thefts where we have strong evidence that you would think would lead to a prosecution. Last theft we had the thieve claimed he simply forgot to pay, although he loaded and drove straight out of the gate and we had it all on CCTV. Police said there was not enough evidence to prosecute after arresting and interviewing him!!! Perhaps the police in Worcester try a bit harder than the ones in Bristol. We were offered the option of restorative justice, which saves the police time (their words), but I thought if you committed a crime you would get prosecuted and have a criminal record - silly me.
Published prior to March 2014
By clive
When will the do-gooders realise that the majority of the public would like a PUNISHMENT placed on the minority of offending public through EFFECTIVE law. Maybe a cut in individuals benefits might send out a message!!
Published prior to March 2014
By Adrian
Whopee do! Heafty sentence, not! Probally worth the risk for him. A persistant offender, soft penalty, what sort of message does that give to us vigilant retail staff? I think although a conviction was given, its far too soft.
Published prior to March 2014
By Law abiding citizen
I think stores should have bear traps rather than beeping tags etc. It would prevent theft. In time these would filter down to domestic users and before you know it, no more theft from sheds and homes too. It's great for the environment as it uses no electricity and as the busy police service take so long to attend (10 days to track someone down) the thief would have decomposed and added valuable nutrients to the ground where they fall. Now that's comunity service!
Published prior to March 2014
By Alan
This is just amazing. Infact I find it truly unbelievable.....are you seriously telling us that a real queue had formed in Homebase! I wandered lonely as a cloud - until I realised I was in Homebase....

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