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Scammers target Totally DIY exhibitors again

Published: 18 April 2012
In a repeat of a scam previously publicised by, a Mexican-based company is once again targeting exhibitors at the Totally shows to update 'free' listings in the Expo Guide which could ultimately end up costing them thousands of pounds a year.
Scammers target Totally DIY exhibitors again
Letters inviting Totally exhibitors to update their 'already existing listing' on the Expo Guide website, with the small print revealing an annual subscription fee of over €1200, are almost identical to those brought to DIYWeek's attention for the past several years.

This week a member of co-operative group Mica DIY was almost fooled into signing the deal after receiving one such letter, but was luckily stopped by a colleague who recognised the scam.

The letter, signed Oscar Guerrero, includes information about the company including address, telephone number and details about the Totally Tools show - alleged to be the event for which the company already has a 'free listing.'

The letter states: "The update of your already existing entry in the exhibitors directory is essential to guarantee problem-free communication to all visitors seeking contact with your company and to ensure that only accurate data are published." It then goes on to point out that only by updating online can they continue to be listed for free.

The small print reveals that completion of the form ties the exhibitor into a three-year order to advertise with Expo Guide, with total costs surpassing £3,000.


Published prior to March 2014
By Andy Vaughan
Can I also suggest Paul, that if any of your exhibitors are unsure if a communication regarding your show is genuine that they contact Brintex before signing anything?
Published prior to March 2014
By Paul Grinsell - Brintex Events
It is most disappointing that exhibitors at the Totally shows are being targetted again by these expert scammers. This business is the scourge of the events and exhibitions industry worldwide and target many events from many organisers.

Whilst being very plausible in their approach we have no connection with them at all and do not supply them with any data whatsoever. We would urge extreme caution if approached by them in this manner.

The events industry is at odds as to how to deal with them. Originally operating out of Austria they now operate out of Mexico. We at Brintex repeatedly issue warnings about this business through our show websites and with direct contact when we know them to be active.

They are good scammers so, please beware.

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