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Podington Garden Centre brings Wyevale estate to 144

Published: 8 December 2014
Wyevale Garden Centres has added Podington Garden Centre, in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, to its rapidly-growing estate.
The acquisition of Podington from the Read family brings the number of Wyevale garden centres to 144. The 60,000sq ft business will be renamed Podington, a Wyevale Garden Centre.

Colin and Norma Read started the centre as a small nursery in 1976 and built it into the leading garden centre in the region, with a 25,000sq ft covered shop on 3.4 acres, and a plant area containing over 9,000 varieties. Mr and Mrs Read run the centre with their sons Philip and Jonathan.

Wyevale chief executive Kevin Bradshaw said: "Podington Garden Centre is a first-rate family business, which has been run with real passion and expertise for 30 years. It has provided a significant economic boost to the local area and become a truly important part of the community.

"This complements our commitment to being a responsible citizen in the communities where we operate and a positive resource for employees, customers and the other people our business touches, and we look forward to carrying on this tradition."

Director of human resources Lisa Cherry added: "The top-notch plant quality the Podington centre is known for is a testament to the strong horticultural skills of its team, and they will be an invaluable addition to Wyevale Garden Centres."

She said Podington would become part of Wyevale's apprenticeship scheme, "which introduces a new generation of young people to the world of work, as well as the world of gardening".

The Read family said it had always ensured that any developments at the centre had been made with their customers in mind, and thanked "our wonderful team for all they have done for us".

The new deal comes hot on the heels of Wyevale's acquisition of Raglan Garden Centre in Raglan, Monmouthshire and Trelawney's garden centre at Ashford, near Barnstaple in north Devon, last month.


08 December 2014 00:07:00
By matt day
I have been a few times, obviously I wont be going again and will encourage others to not go. I know the family had the right to sell it, but not telling their customers is unbelievably rude and OBVIOUSLY they thought nothing of their customers. Bosworths in burton latimer is where I go, family run, they want to move so the land can be developed, but have informed their customers.
08 December 2014 00:06:00
By Mr Keith Pateman
I think of criticisms of Wyevale taking over this garden centre are totally unfounded it is wonderful that there are more offers available also the displays are inspirational! The quality of plants are better especially the vegetable plants fantastic selection all round
08 December 2014 00:05:00
By l Collett
Very sad and disaapointed. Another wonderful garden centre fallen to the Wyevale giant. This was my favourite garden centre, (we have very few independants in this area of the country) lots of unusual plants, great advise and enthusiasm by staff who always seemed happy in their work. Poddington was a wonderful can Wyevale be allowed such a monopoly? Now another B&Q style 'garden centre'!
08 December 2014 00:04:00
By Kate bellingham
The worse possible news. A bland, boring place it will become full of tat, clothes etc. Plants will be the last consideration with none of the more unusual species being offered. Keen gardeners please note there is a wonderful garden centre near St. Albans called Ayletts - family owned but a trek. Devastated.
08 December 2014 00:03:00
By Mrs t k Robertson
It was a shame after years of loyal customer service they did not infirm their customers of the sale
08 December 2014 00:02:00
By Nick
I have that horrible feeling that it will go he same way as the other 'big boys'. More shoes, clothes and gifts that horticulture. A shame but will wait to hopefully be proved wrong...
08 December 2014 00:01:00
By Maria Grimmett
Please don't change a single thing at Poddington, we love this Garden Centre with a passion I feel very attached to it and many of us see it as an extession of our own gardens but with experts on hand giving out advice.

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