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Pets at Home and Homebase named in top 20 employers

Published: 12 March 2012
Both retailers celebrated at a recent awards ceremony, which saw Pets at Home take second place and Homebase 20th in The Sunday Times 25 Best Big Companies to Work For 2012 list.
Pets at Home and Homebase named in top 20 employers
It was the first time both retailers had entered the competition run by Best Companies, conductors of the largest employee engagement survey in the world. More than 1,000 companies entered the competition.

Homebase's managing director Paul Loft said: "We're delighted with this award. The success is thanks to all our colleagues across the business - they make us what we are and their enthusiasm and commitment shines through."

The DIY retailer also took part in the Best Companies Accreditation Survey 2012 last autumn. This involved employees surveyed on rigorous methodology to provide judgement on the companies' leadership, wellbeing and personal development. Best Companies then compiles lists of the top 100 companies in each size category.

In addition to its 20th place award, Homebase was also given 'Star Status' based on its Best Companies index score. It was given one star and judged to be first class.


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