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B&Q shoots new ad in Sutton store

Published: 25 February 2010
DIY chain continues its 'real staff, real value' campaign with new set of ads featuring employees at the Surrey store.
B&Q shoots new ad in Sutton store
B&Q in Sutton has played host to camera crews and extras as it takes centre stage in a new series of TV ads for the DIY retailer.

Continuing the retailer's tradition for using real staff in its advertising campaigns, several employees, although not all based at the Sutton store, will be filmed during the week-long shoot.

Natasha Suliman, a former Miss Wales contestant and B&Q employee loved being part of the retailer's ad campaign last year. Having appeared in a couple of TV adverts for B&Q, including one for its Cooke & Lewis range, Miss Suliman, who works at the Llanelli branch described her experience. "They wanted someone from each region and my manager put me forward," she explained. "My accent is really strong and they said that it was really great to have a Welsh girl in the advert."

"In the advert I'm underneath a chandelier and it was really hot because it was on the whole time," she laughed.

Miss Suliman received a lot of press coverage at the time, as her appearance in the advert coincided with her participation in the Miss Wales beauty contest. "I had just won the Miss Carmarthenshire heat and went on to the finals for the title of Miss Wales. All of this was happening at the same time, so it was crazy. I do get recognised and the other day they had me handing out leaflets at work and people were saying 'it's the girl from the advert'."

She concluded: "I'd definitely recommend being part of an advert to any B&Q staff. It was an amazing experience - both during and afterwards and you're treated so well. I would definitely do another advert if B&Q asked me to."

Miss Suliman has even set up a Facebook group to recognise employees who have appeared in the ads. She says of the group, titled 'B&Q advert stars!': "It's great because we've all become really close. When else could you make friends like that with people in London and from all over?"

Filming will continue next week in another London-based B&Q store.


Published prior to March 2014
By Customer advisor
Please help the majority of staff in B&Q who want to get this out in the open.

We are not permitted to talk with each other, mention this or even discuss the outside of working hours as we have been told disiplinary action would be actioned if we did.

Im sure alot of the finance world know that B&Q made a big profit last year and have made squeaky clean comments in march 2010 that they would be sharing out their "in excess of 10 million" profits with staff... this is an artical I found.

"Staff at B&Q have bagged bonuses totalling 10million for helping boost profits by almost 80%.

The chain was the jewel in owner Kingfisher s crown making 195m last year, despite the housing slump.

Boss Euan Sutherland said the group s self help strategy to improve everything from availability of stock to car-park litter had paid off and workers deserved to be rewarded.

People on the ground really played their part in this success, he said.

It is good to give them something in their back pocket as well as a pat on the back.

This has not been the case at all. No staff recieved a a slight incentive of a bonus for working our butts of last year for our managers. Instead ONLY managers recieved a big lump sum. We all know what managers recieved, and on average it was 30,000 plus!

Our supervisors do not get a bonus either and we have all tried to confront head office about this but their reply is that we will face disiplinary action if we spoke about this to anyone outside of B&Q. We have had a facebook ban, youtube ban. Basically they have to keep their public image clean. We have an internal system which informs us of profits/losses and bonuses but they have shut it down for the week. And all our pay slips arrived late. Probably because they had a big night out and were too drunk to do our payslips hey lol.

Mr Euan Sutherland (chief executive) himself has a blog in the internal system and he recieved so many messages that he shut it off! Its only so long that can keep our mouths shut. We are all very angry!

We are stuck and dont know what to do! We do not have a union because they got rid of years back.

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