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B&Q response to redundancy rumours

Published: 27 November 2009
DIY giant issues statement and says any job losses will be a "last resort".
B&Q has today issued DIY Week with a statement in response to recent reports that it plans to make redundancies at a number of its UK stores.

A spokesperson for the company said: "We are proposing to make some changes to the way we staff a small number of our B&Q stores. This is not a cost saving exercise but a rescheduling proposal to ensure we have the right people at the right place at the right time to better serve our customers at the times they need us most.

"Our priority is to safeguard jobs and as we are now in a period of consultation with a small number of our employees we are unable to comment further but we will be doing everything we can to ensure that we find alternative roles/hours for everyone and if any redundancies result it will be a very last resort."

According to a statement issued by the company to Cabinet Maker, B&Q has entered into a period of consultation with 800 of its 33,500 employees.


Published prior to March 2014
By even more annoyed
more are coming too. not allowed to talk because they know it is wrong. ppl dare not talk.
Published prior to March 2014
By annoyed
staff at bolton store in north west have also been redundant just before christmas and a internal memo warning staff not to talk about it on the shop floor.

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