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Argos alien cleared of promoting unsafe trampolining

Published: 27 June 2012
Argos has successfully defended itself against an accusation that its advertisement showing a trampolining alien was irresponsible.
Argos alien cleared of promoting unsafe trampolining
The ad, promoting a range of summer products, showed the child of the alien family featuring in its current campaign performing sideways somersaults on the trampoline. However, a viewer complained to the Advertising Standards Authority that the ad was irresponsible because the product was being used dangerously.

In its defence, Argos said it had put the trampoline in a safe area of the garden, away from potential hazards, and had placed a safety net around it as well as showing that the alien child's parents were present to supervise her play.

The company said it had taken care to avoid showing the alien performing a realistic move that a child could try to copy, and instead portrayed a trick that was clearly fantastical as it was done at a slow speed and with no apparent effort.

It argued that this was no different to any other instance where superhuman characters were shown performing stunts, and said it did not believe the scene promoted unsafe behaviour.

The ad watchdog agreed, stating that this was a surreal interpretation of a child using a trampoline and that it would be clear that the alien could defy gravity and that people would not be able to manage the manoeuvre themselves.

"Because we considered that viewers would understand they should not try to use the trampoline in the same way as the aliens did, we concluded that the ad was not irresponsible," it said.


Published prior to March 2014
By roger atkinson
Everyone has missed the point.
Alien boy accuses Alien girl of being a showoff.
Alien girl responds by by calling him a "Uranian Troglodyte!" in a derogatory tone of voice.
Surely this was a racist comment? Is it not both illegal and immoral to use use an ethnic group as a personal insult?
Published prior to March 2014
By jen
They're aliens! Obviously it's not meant to be copied, it's fantasy. people are too literal
Published prior to March 2014
By Claus
Unfortunately, in continental Europe we have the same consumer behaviour. Everyone wants to be protected by government boards rather than making use of the brain.
At the same time, people want government and organisations to stay away from their personal choices of life.
Published prior to March 2014
By Anonymous
What a sad case this person is!!!!
Get a life and stop interfering in ours. They just like to Moan Moan Moan Moan MOAN!!!!!
This person is obviously a very insecure type of person with no friends, with no life and nothing else better to do!!!
Published prior to March 2014
By Anonymous
what a ridiculous thing to complain about, I'm suprised no one has picked up on the point that these aliens could encourage people to shave their heads and paint themselves blue!! Unfortunately this is just another example of the complain about anything attitude of today's society
Published prior to March 2014
By anonymous
Glad Argos was cleared in this. These days people find anything to complain about. It appears that these days people don't think for themselves. I have seen the add and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It isn't promoting anything unsafe. It is just an ad showcasing some of their products for the summer!

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