May Bank Holiday delivers patchy sales

Published: 11 May 2016
DIY, hardware and garden retailers have given a mixed review of sales over the May Bank Holiday, with location playing a huge part in the dice roll of the British weather.
May Bank Holiday delivers patchy sales
In a poll hosted on and taken by more than 130 retailers, 29% said that their sales had been worse this May Bank Holiday compared to last year. A further 26% reported that their results had been about the same, while an encouraging 24% reported better sales this year than last. The remaining 21% confessed to not knowing.

Sporadic rain across the country is thought to have discouraged many shoppers from heading to their local home improvement stores. Worcestershire-based Morris Mica Hardware manager Christine Curtis said: "We were open all weekend and it whilst it was a little bit busier than a normal weekend, the weather did us no favours and at this time of year that's what drives sales."

Weather, too, played a part in garden sales in the south west, though this time a positive one. Monkton Elm Garden & Pet Centre in Taunton enjoyed an upturn, with store manager Andrew Pitman pointing out: "We had a good first May Bank Holiday and it was helped by the fact we had great weather and some glorious sunshine. It's always reassuring to see positive Bank Holiday sales when the weather is on our side. Traditional gardening sales were on the up. Even with the many other attractions we have on site such as our restaurant and our Craft and Pet centres, trade is, and always will be, measured by the weather."

Things seemed to fare fairly well in High Peak, too, with Hall's Mica Hardware owner Joyce Hall reporting: "We had a good Saturday and if the weather had been sunny all day I think we would have had a bumper day. Monday was better than expected even though we had heavy rain at lunchtime. We did sell some garden furniture, perhaps they had heard about the forecast for next weekend!"

Haskins Garden Centres chief execuitve and chairman of the GCA Julian Winfield said: "Like all garden centres we have been ready for some warm weather since the beginning of March and it was a relief when the sun came out last week.

"We ended up with a cracking week, best weeks sales ever. In total we were 32% up on sales, which has bought us back in line with our budgeted sales Year-to-Date. The good thing about great weather in May is that everything performs well and it did!"

Speaking of which, soaring temperatures across the country have meant any sales lost over the Bank Holiday are already recovering. Kennedy's owner John Horwood said that while his store's Bank Holiday Saturday was over 10% down on last year, the sun has since come out "and seasonal products - particularly compost - have started to sell."


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