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Wickes employees trek through Alaska and raise £35,000

Published: 25 September 2012
A team of 19 Wickes workers braved the wilderness of Alaska on an eight day trek, raising £35,695 and counting for partner charity Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research.
Wickes employees trek through Alaska and raise £35,000
The team set off on Sunday, September 2, from the base of the Talkeetna Mountains, carrying 60lb packs for up to eight hours each day through the mountains, over glaciers and down rivers. They finally reached the finish point at Valdez two weeks later on September 16.

On the toughest day of the trek, the climbers scaled the equivalent of Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis - no easy feat for those team members who had never climbed a hill before setting off, let alone mountains.

Wickes chairman and Alaska Challenge team mate Jeremy Bird said: "The Alaska challenge was everything we hoped it would be; exciting, stretching, very tough at times but hugely rewarding for those that fought their way through wind, rain, snow, hail and sunshine - often all on the same day.

"Every member of the team achieved something they had thought might have been beyond them, like climbing a snow capped mountain or walking with a 60lb pack up a five mile hill or simply living in the wilderness for a week without soap. But, without doubt, the best bit was checking our fundraising on our return and seeing how much we'd raised to help beat blood cancer."

Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research's chief executive Cathy Gilman said: "What the team have completed in such a tough environment is incredible. Since becoming our charity partners Wickes colleagues, customers and suppliers have consistently gone 'above and beyond' to help us beat blood cancers - and there's no better example of that than an effort like this. We're very grateful for all their support.
"The valuable funds they are raising will help us find better treatments and cures for patients with blood cancers including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma."


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