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The return of Rapid?

Published: 2 May 2013
Rumours have surfaced that Rapid Hardware could be back trading again in a matter of weeks. An anonymous caller tipped off DIY Week that the failed Liverpool retailer's original owners, the Dohertys had bought the business from adminstrators and planned to re-open in coming weeks.
The return of Rapid?
Looking on Companies House, two new companies have been incorporated under the Rapid name in recent months. One, Rapid Discount Homestores, lists Martin Doherty and son Daniel as directors and was incorporated on February 13 this year. The second, Rapid Discount Outlet Ltd, lists Kim-Marie Doherty as a sole director of the firm, which was incorporated on April 2, 2013.

Both companies are registered to the same Basnett Street address in Liverpool as Rapid Hardware, which went into administration on February 5, owing creditors £3m.
However, a spokesperson for administrators Duff & Phelps, who handled the case, told DIY Week that they were not aware of a sale having taken place at this stage but that they knew of rumours surrounding a possible deal.

The spokesperson did not rule out the possibility of such a sale in the near future but said no information had been passed on as yet.

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Published prior to March 2014
By Iain Green
The DIY department of the (now) Rapid Discount is absolutely tiny! It is not a DIY shop remotely worth visiting. All I wanted was a decent selection of hacksaws, they did not have a decent selection of anything.

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