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The HTA appoints a new president

Published: 17 September 2015
Adam Wigglesworth from Aylett Nurseries was appointed as President of the Association taking over the role from Stan Green of Growforth who becomes the Immediate Past President.
The HTA appoints a new president
The news was announced at the HTA Annual General Meeting at Glee on Tuesday, September 15.
Handing over the chain of office, Mr Green said that it had been an absolute pleasure to be the association's president and Carol Paris thanked him for his support and guidance over the past two years. This was echoed by Adam Wigglesworth who thanked Stan for all his hard work and enthusiasm in this substantial and important role.

The AGM also saw the ratification of the appointment of two new Board members - Adam Frost from Adam Frost Design and Geoff Caesar from The Bransford Webbs Plant Company. Bob Hewitt from Klondyke Garden Centres, Caroline Owen from Scotsdales Garden Centre, Mark Pearson and Ian Ashton from Lowaters Nursery were re-elected to the Board as Directors, as was David Norman from Abercorn Garden Centre, who has retired from the role of Honorary Treasurer.


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