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Squire's in Woking to close for redevelopment

Published: 22 May 2017 - Jenny Wonnacott

Plans are underway to redevelop Squire's Garden Centres' Woking site by extending the existing shop and improving the plant area with a new outdoor canopy. There will also be a new cafe bar.

Squire's of Woking will close from June 18 until next Spring for the redevelopment

Said Squire's deputy chairman Sarah Squire: “We are very excited about our redevelopment plans for Woking. The project has been a long time in gestation and we are so keen to get started.

“Next spring you will see a centre that has been transformed yet still remains one hundred percent true to our horticultural heritage, retains its sense of place and is sensitive to its location and the surrounding area. There will be an inspirational plant department and a new Café Bar with both indoor and outdoor seating.

“The indoor space will have a light and airy feel - great for plants and for people. Without giving too much away, we have some really interesting ideas for the look and feel of the interior. We can’t wait to re-open and offer a great range of plants and gardening products to our customers.”

Squire's will be closing to the public from June 18 until next Spring so the work can be undertaken safely. The much-loved donkeys who live on the site will be re-homed locally, despite Squire's offering them a home at another garden centre nearby.


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