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Pets Choice prioritises nutrition with new appointment

Published: 10 March 2015
UK pet food manufacturer, Pets Choice has employed Ashleigh Walker as in-house nutritionist and food technologist, following industry research that indicated nutrition is at the forefront of the pet product industry.
Pets Choice prioritises nutrition with new appointment
With a first class honours degree in Zoology and experience working as a nutritionist within pet food companies across the UK and Europe, Ms Walker brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role.

She said of her appointment: "I'm thrilled to be joining such a fast-paced company and am confident that I can apply my experience to all brands in the Pets Choice family."

"When it comes to nutrition, owner awareness is growing rapidly, with more and more looking at the composition and analytical constituents of their food. This is one of the many reasons that grain-free food is growing in popularity.

"However there is still a long way to go and I am proud that Pets Choice is leading the charge when it comes to developing nutritious and delicious food for the UK market."

Pets Choice conducted research with 15,000 consumers, revealing that 60% of pet owners prioritise nutrition over all other factors when purchasing dog treats.

Pets Choice marketing manager Julie Butcher commented: "This research is really encouraging, highlighting that as a nation, Britain is becoming increasingly health conscious and it's great to see that we're applying the same mentality to our pets' diets.

"Ashleigh is joining the team at a crucial time and will be an integral new member of the team. She will be guiding us on new product development as well as helping to spread the word about the importance of pet nutrition."


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