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Homebase tells customers 'How to'

Published: 1 May 2009
DIY chain launches 'how to' guides after research revealed a skills gap amongst would-be DIYers.
Homebase tells customers 'How to'
This spring Homebase has launched a series of 'How To' guides, providing guidance on over 30 of the most popular projects tackled by the nation, including putting up shelves, hanging doors, painting walls and laying a patio.

The move follows a survey conducted by the chain which revealed that three quarters of people can't fix a lock, around two thirds of people don't know how to fix a dripping tap and nearly half don't know how to hang wallpaper.

However, considering the results also showed that 83% of Brits undertook at least one home improvement or garden project last year, Homebase believes the scope for the nation to save money and learn new skills in the year ahead is huge.

The guides have been grouped together into six categories covering DIY, building, plumbing, gardening, electrical and decorating and graded into three skill levels - easy, intermediate and difficult.

Designed to offer step-by-step advice with diagrams, top tips and a list of tools for the job, the guides will be available free in-store and at Homebase's website.

Homebase trading director, DIY and decorative, Sarah Silverwood said: "Since the downturn hit and the 'can't move, improve' trend has increased we've noticed a rise in demand from customers wanting more help and advice on DIY projects.

"Being able to do your own repairs or redecorating is not only a good way to save some cash but it also gives a sense or pride and achievement that makes the end result all the more pleasing."


Published prior to March 2014
By Alan
Fascinating.Homebase are lecturing us on how to learn new skills!!! Here's a new skill they should learn - when you get a new product proposed to you that actually does fit the above 'new skills brief' how about responding to the supplier. Email/telephone/web/morse/letter or even carrier pigeon are all accepted methods! Are the management up to date with their buying staff practices?

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