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HMG Paints wins UK Business Hero Award

Published: 11 November 2020 - Neil Mead

Manchester-based HMG Paints has been awarded a UK Business Hero Award from the British Chambers of Commerce. Announced by The Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, HMG was honoured with the award after converting alcohol stocks into hand sanitiser, to support locally and nationally, during the pandemic.


Based on World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended formulations, thousands of litres of HMG’s hand sanitiser has been provided to key workers, care providers and charities throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

Accepting the award on behalf of HMG Paints Ltd, Managing Director, John Falder, said: “It is a tremendous honour to receive this award and a recognition of the work the HMG Paints staff have done throughout this turbulent year. Throughout HMG the adaptability and determination of staff has shone through, especially as we switched from making paint to hand sanitiser virtually overnight and doing so in a safe manner. The company of HMG Paints is the people of HMG – and that really is what we’re all about, it is not just the people who work at Riverside Works but the wider HMG family and our community and we’re proud to have been able to assist those in the essential services, frontline workers and charities who have been working tirelessly during the pandemic.”

Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce (GMCC) announced that HMG Paints Ltd had one the newly established award commenting “The national UK Business Hero awards were established this year to recognise businesses that have gone above and beyond for their local community during the covid-19 pandemic. The awards pay tribute to businesses and their contributions by giving them a UK Business Hero stamp, which demonstrates that that they have gone the extra mile to support their local community during the Coronavirus outbreak.”  Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce.

Throughout the coming weeks GMCC will be spotlighting the different businesses who received a UK Business Hero award, and hearing from them in their own words what the award means to them. 


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