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'Do-it-for-me' boosts paint and wallcoverings

Published: 29 March 2016
The paint, wallcoverings and woodcare market has enjoyed a welcome boost in recent years - thanks in no small part to the 'do-it-for-me' trend.
'Do-it-for-me' boosts paint and wallcoverings
According to a new report from AMA Research, the market value increased by an estimated 3% in 2015, following 5% growth between 2012 and 2014, with all product sectors seeing increased demand.

Key drivers are the rise in both new housing output and property transactions, which both stimulate demand for refurbishment, and - in common with other home improvement products in recent years - the do-it-for-me trend, due to the recovery in incomes and a lack DIY skills and time amongst homeowners.

The weather also play a significant role, with sales rising in the warmer summer months, but also winter storms resulting in increased demand for woodcare products.

Paint takes 60%-plus of the total market by value, having increased by an estimated 12% from a low point in 2009. Key sector features include the popularity and wider availability of designer paints, the proliferation of good quality own-brand paint and expanded ranges, more value-added and innovative products and increased focus on the environment and sustainability product features.

In 2015, the UK wallcoverings sector reached its highest point in over a decade, underpinned by trends such as feature walls, with designer brands continuing to gain popularity.

Wallcoverings now account for 19% of the market, while woodcare takes 18%. Value sales of woodcare products increased by around 17% between 2009 and 2015.

AMA says DIY multiples account for a significant share of the market, but adds that the distribution of paint, wallcoverings and woodcare is likely to change as the do-it-for-me trend could bring focus back onto the trade centres/merchants at the expense of the DIY multiples.

The report predicts that the paint market will continue to benefit from the recent trend for more colour in internal décor schemes, but aggressive pricing pressure is likely to remain a key feature of the market as suppliers continue to compete for share.

Wallcoverings will benefit from the continuation of the trend for feature walls, as well as for higher value products such as photo walls and murals. Sales of woodcare products will ultimately be dependent upon the popularity of timber used for furniture, garden buildings, flooring, doors and windows, patio doors and conservatories.


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