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Chelsea sells out in record time

Published: 17 May 2010
Tickets to the RHS flower show sold out on Friday - the earliest in more than 20 years.
Chelsea sells out in record time
Last year tickets sold out two days before the show opened but this year it has sold out on May 14 - 11 days before Chelsea opens its doors to RHS members on Tuesday, May 25. It is the earliest the show has sold out since visitor numbers were capped at 157,000 in 1988.

According to the show's organisers, there has also been unprecedented interest from sponsors wanting to create show gardens at the 2011 RHS Chelsea Flower Show next year.

Ticket sales have also been strong for Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, which will take place in July.

RHS shows director Stephen Bennett said: "We're noticing an increase in demand from both consumers wanting to visit RHS shows and organisations recognising the opportunities to promote through them.

"RHS Chelsea has a significant financial impact across the gardening industry, with garden centred, growers and design consultancies all achieving growth in business because of the RHS show activity. I hope this is a key indicator that 2010 will be strong year for horticulture."

DIY Week will be at Chelsea this month - keep an eye out for our coverage online and in the mag.


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