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Business as usual after fire at Ruxley

Published: 22 September 2009
Garden centre hires temporary warehouse building to help resume trading as quickly as possible following fire at the site.
Business as usual after fire at Ruxley
Ruxley Manor Garden Centre has hired an 800 sq m temporary warehouse building so that it can continue trading following a fire at its premises.

The blaze, which took place on April 26, destroyed the kent-based centre's warehouse facility and the majority of its stock.

Fencing, floodlights and oil tanks had to be removed or relocated in order to house the temporary building, which was supplied by Aganto. However, the structure has helped the centre get back on track and Ruxley has even requested a further 200 sq m of temporary warehouse space to expand the premises in time for Christmas. This building will be connected to the original structure to create one large warehouse.

Ruxley Manor director James Evans said: "As the fire had not affected the retail store, we were determined to continue with business as usual. With the aid of a temporary building, we were able to maximise our stock levels in a short period of time and mitigate the impact on our customers and our business."

Mr Evans praised temporary building specialist Aganto and said that its service proved invaluable to Ruxley, allowing the centre to resume trading with "the minimum delay and disruption".


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