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Barbecues are gardeners' most-wanted items

Published: 12 August 2015
A 'souped-up' barbecue is top of consumers' garden wish list, according to new research by multi-media retailer QVC, with 38% saying they would like to own one.
Barbecues are gardeners' most-wanted items
The study into the nation's gardening habits also found that 15% of homeowners are jealous of their neighbours' gardens, forking out an average of £657 each year - £14bn in total - to make sure their garden is the best on the street.

QVC found that 9% spend more doing up their garden than their house, whilst a further 10% splash out on a gardener to ensure their garden stays groomed.

Summerhouses and water features are almost as aspirational as a fully-featured barbecue, each polling 37% on the wish list. Next came a patio (36%), decking (30%), solar-powered lanterns (29%), hammock (27%), organic vegetable patch (27%), pond (27%) and chimenea (24%).

QVC marketing & insight director Sue Leeson commented: "It's a very British phenomenon to get competitive over our gardens, and we think it's wonderful. With the summer finally in full swing, we're seeing lots demand for our garden furniture ranges, particularly some of the more exotic pieces."


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