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A&J Granite solutions founder seeks business award

Published: 16 September 2010
Entrepreneur, Jeton Murati, who has been named one of Britain's most inspirational businessmen just two years after setting up on his own, is now hoping to win a share of the £50,000 prize package in the Barclays Trading Places Awards - which recognise people who have beaten the odds to succeed in business.
A&J Granite solutions founder seeks business award
10 years ago, at the age of 27, Jeton fled the devastating conflict in his native Kosovo, and settled in Bestwood, Nottingham.

With almost no money and no other ambition other than safely to escape the war, Jeton found work in various hotel bars and restaurants, eventually rising to the role of Manager. He became a British Citizen and studied to gain a BA Honours Degree in Service Sector Management.

In August 2007, Jeton decided to start his own business and formed A&J Granite Solutions, specialising in the fabrication of granite and composite stone worktops for kitchens and bars. With sheer determination and the support of his wife, Jeton managed to grow the business from scratch to generate sales of over £300,000 a year.

Steve Cooper, chair of the judging panel and Barclays Business managing director said: "Trading Places is a celebration of inspiring people who, in spite of great personal challenges, have taken steps to establish a sustainable business and in doing so changed the direction of their lives for the better.

"The calibre of this year's entries is outstanding and we hope that with this recognition, A&J Granite Solutions will continue on the road to success.

"We also hope Jeton's story will inspire other budding entrepreneurs in Nottingham, who face similar difficulties to come forward and turn their own business dreams into reality."

Barclays will present the overall winner with a cheque for £10,000, and the runner-up with £5,000 for their business, at a prestigious black-tie gala dinner at The Savoy in London on Tuesday, November 30. The event will be attended by more than 300 VIP guests.

Awards supporters Microsoft and Yell will also be offering tailor-made packages for the 10 national finalists, including the latest business software and special multi-media advertising packages.

This year there is also a special award and a cheque for £3,500, courtesy of Barclays, for the Trading Places finalist whose business is helping local people by putting something back into the community.


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